Universal beams are commonly in architecture and construction, creating columns and beam of various dimensions, grades, and specifications. Galvanised Universal Beams avoid premature rust and deterioration. It supplies benefits like lower repair & maintenance costs. The Universal beam contains two horizontal planes, known as flanges, attached by one upright component. The shape of the flanges, as well as the web, develop an ‘I’ or an ‘H’ cross-section. Universal beams can be found in a selection of section midst, flange sizes, as well as various other applications for various functions. Galvanized Universal Beams are rust-proof, have high strength, as well as offer optimal top quality for building & engineering applications.

EN 10025 S275JR
EN 10025 S355JR/JO/J2G3
JIS G3101 SS400


Kami menjual besi h beam yaitu besi baja berbentuk balok yang secara teknis disebut hot rolled dan memiliki bentuk serupa huruf H. Besi H-beam sering digunakan untuk membangun konstruksi besi pada jembatan dan juga proyek gedung-gedung besar. Penggunaan besi H-Beam ini bertujuan untuk menahan dan membuat tiang besi menjadi lebih kokoh juga tidak mudah roboh.
jual besi h beam batamjual besi h beam batam-1jual besi h beam batam-2jual besi h beam batam-3jual besi h beam batam-4jual besi h beam batam-5jual besi h beam batam-6jual besi h beam batam-7
Pelanggan Yang Terhormat,
Berikut ini kami sampaikan keterangan lengkap  Besi H Beam yang dapat kami sediakan, yaitu :
  • BESI H BEAM 100 X 100 X 6 X 8 X 6 = 103.0 KG
  • BESI H BEAM 125 X 125 X 6.5 X 9 X 6 = 143.0 KG
  • BESI H BEAM 150 X 150 X 7 X 10 X 6 = 189.0 KG
  • BESI H BEAM 200 X 200 X 8 X 12 X 6 = 299.5 KG
  • BESI H BEAM 250 X 250 X 9 X 14 X 6 = 434.5 KG
  • BESI H BEAM 300 X 300 X 10 X 15 X 6 = 564.0 KG
  • BESI H BEAM 350 X 350 X 12 X 19 X 6 = 822.0 KG
  • BESI H BEAM 400 X 400 X 13 X 21 X 6 = 1,018.5 KG