Industrial Tools Mini Exhibition

The Mini Exhibition Industrial Tools is a perfect platform to demonstrate the largest technologies in the field of both metal cutting and metal forming machinery, low cost automation, material handling and quality control systems and equipment, together with off-the-shelf production aids, accessories, consumables, software and consultancy.    


Software Vimux

Vimux Softwares and drivers Virtual Multiplexer to connect and organize the entire range of SYLVAC and USB products. Up to 32 instruments are supported by the software. For the BLUETOOTH connection, 981.7100 dongle is required and must be connected to the PC via a USB port. Up to 8 instruments BLUETOOTH per dongle!. The protocol…


Dial Gauge Peacock

PCN-1AD Configured Specifications Use Lever Type (Indicator) Display Method Dial Maximum Measuring Length (Adjustment Range)(mm) 0 ~ 1 Scale Interval / Minimum Display(mm) 0.01 Scale type Balance scale Measuring Range(mm) 0.5 Detailed Type With probe XN1A-2 Scale Specification 0-25-0 [Accuracy (µm)] Wide range bound accuracy 5 [Accuracy (µm)] Adjacent Error(µm) 5 [Accuracy (µm)] Return Error(µm)…
